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Where Innovation Meets Intentionality

Founded by a dynamic trio - Jaya, Affan, and Ammar - our journey began with a shared vision to revolutionize research and development using artificial intelligence.

Meet the Team

Ammar Abbas's profile picture

Ammar Abbas

Founder & Board Member

  • Ph.D., Expert in AI
Muhammad Affan's profile picture

Muhammad Affan

Chief Executive Officer

  • Entrepreneur & Technology Enthusiast
Jaya Rajwani's profile picture

Jaya Rajwani

Co-Founder & Board Member

  • Award-Winning Social Innovator
Huzaifa Habib's profile picture

Huzaifa Habib

Chief Technology Officer

  • Experienced Full-Stack Developer
Saad Hasib's profile picture

Saad Hasib

Technology Lead

  • AI & Full-Stack Developer
Unzila Khan's profile picture

Unzila Khan

Business Manager

  • Business Acumen & Vision

Our Team's Testimonials

Muhammad Ali portrait

Muhammad Ali

Working in a professional environment with a professional team, will polish your skills, give practical applications, and will help grow yourself in a right direction. Goddard- Discovery provided me all the things, a great experience and I look forward to continue.Leaders are quite co-operative and guide alot.This startup will definitely reach at pinnacle.

Our Story

Roots of Goddard Discovery

In the vibrant tapestry of Goddard-Discovery's narrative, the team's journey has been a testament to the transformative power of chance encounters, shared visions, and an unwavering commitment to innovation. Jaya, an award-winning Social Innovator; Affan, a technology enthusiast; and Ammar, an AI researcher, converged their diverse backgrounds and talents to create something more than just a platform—a living, breathing community dedicated to pushing the boundaries of traditional research.

The Idea

Jaya, an award-winning Social Innovator and Computer Engineer, Affan, a Master's student in intelligent robotics, and Ammar, a Ph.D. researcher in AI, are the founders of Goddard-Discovery. Their paths crossed during their academic pursuits, with Jaya and Ammar's discussions during their undergraduate days serving as the roots of Goddard-Discovery. The trio reconnected during Affan's collaborative research project in Pakistan, sharing a vision to infuse AI into traditional research methods. This vision took shape over a casual coffee conversation at the university cafeteria, laying the foundation for their journey.

The Team

As Ammar delved deeper into AI during his master's studies, he reunited with Jaya to refine their plan. Affan, working at the National Research Center in Pakistan, joined the team, further solidifying their shared passion for scientific progress and the potential of AI in research. Their collaboration, diverse experiences, and shared commitment to positive change have evolved into a dynamic team and a groundbreaking platform, Inventia-AI.

Expanding The Team

The Goddard-Discovery team expanded with the addition of two new co-founders, Saad and Huzaifa, marking a pivotal moment in their journey. Saad, with his expertise in technology and innovation, and Huzaifa, with his wealth of experience, brought fresh perspectives and skills that aligned with the team's vision of redefining research and development. Their inclusion not only strengthened the team's technical capabilities but also deepened the collaborative spirit at the heart of Goddard-Discovery. Together, they share a collective vision of leveraging AI to transform the research landscape and drive positive change.

Moving Forward

As the narrative continues to unfold, Goddard-Discovery invites you to delve deeper into the individual journeys that have contributed to this remarkable story. It's an evolving family of visionaries, fueled by the endless possibilities of innovation and propelled by the support of those who believe in shaping a future where research knows no bounds. Thank you for being an indispensable part of this collective journey towards limitless discovery and positive transformation.



Ammar and Jaya brainstormed on the idea


Incubation within National Incubation Centers in Karachi and Multan ($3,000)

Business Plan Formulation

3rd position in Falling Walls Lab Mongolia and shortlisted for Falling Walls Lab Austria


Top 10 finalists at Pakistan's leading conference and expo on AI (AI Summit 2021)

Selected as top 10 startups throughout Austria for the Zero21 accelerator program

2nd position in the National Idea Competition, Pakistan

Beta Launch

Semi-finalist at MIT Greece

Finalists at Jacob Startup Competition

Quarterfinalist Code Launch Houston

Finalists at US Early-Stage Mass Challenge

Selection under NEP NIC Pakistan Incubation

Startup Formulation

Winner of SSK 0.5 million PKR grant challenge 2022 ($2500)


Selection at ivenTUre, Ireland incubator

Selection at the European University of Technology (EUt+) Romania summer camp under the Green and Sustainable Business idea

Finalist at Falling Walls Venture 2022

Featured under EU Startups

Featured in Impact network.pk Directory 2022

Selected for the International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS) incubation

Selected for the Social Impact Incubation System Bologna, Italy (bigbo.it)

Finalist at Entrepreneurship World Cup EWC 2023 Nationals

Finalist at Entrepreneurship World Cup EWC 2023 Nationals

Winner of National Idea Competition 2023, Pakistan. 3rd Runner up in the IT category (85 USD)

CAREC ADB 2023 competition winner (1000 USD)

Selection into ROTSA - Romanian Tech Startups Association - Accelerator program

Shortlisted to Edison - Austria competition

Runner-Up for Prime Minister National Innovation Award (1750 USD)

Finalists of South Summit Madrid Competition out of 4,500 applicants

Selected in the top 5 by Falcon 40B LLM Proposal

Shortlisted for TU Dublin Frontiers program, Ireland

Product Launch


Formal Launch of Inventia AI