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Built on rigorous research and hands-on experience, our proficiency spans machine learning, computer vision, and natural language processing. Our cutting-edge solutions redefine industry standards.

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With advanced analytics, we unveil valuable insights from complex datasets, empowering informed decision-making for strategic client planning.

Web & App Development

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Merging creativity with technical finesse, our web expertise creates robust, user-friendly, and visually captivating applications and websites. We emphasize scalability and immersive user experiences for a standout digital presence.

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Computer Vision

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Our Work

Autonomous Vehicle

Project Autonomous Vehicle

Perception of the lane boundaries is crucial for the tasks related to autonomous trajectory control. In this paper, several methodologies for lane detection are discussed with experimental illustration: Hough transformation, Blob analysis and Birds eye view. Following the abstraction of lane marks from the boundary, the next approach is applying a control law based on the perception to control steering and speed control. In the following, a comparative analysis is made between an open loop response, PID control and a neural network control law through graphical statistics. To get the perception of the surrounding a wireless streaming camera connected to Raspberry Pi is used. After pre-processing the signal received by the camera the output is sent back to the Raspberry Pi that processes the input and communicates the control to the motors through Arduino via serial communication.

Experimental Analysis of an Economical Lab Demonstration Prototype of a Thermo Acoustic Refrigerator (TAR)

Refrigerators, ever since their conception, have always relied upon moving components - whether they are of a pump or of a compressor - to deliver the necessary work and heat input towards producing refrigeration. In today's energy-driven economy, emphasis must be placed on to reducing the total energy consumption of the populous, as well as the resources involved in manufacturing conventional refrigerators. This is where the Thermo Acoustic Refrigerator (TAR), comes in. The purpose of this study is to design, fabricate and test an economically sound prototype of a TAR, so as to elucidate the technological and economic potential of thermoacoustic refrigeration as a replacement to conventional vapor-driven refrigeration. In the first part, a general introduction of refrigeration and TAR is carried out, followed by the second part, where design parameters are discussed and defined. The third part involves the actual fabrication of the TAR along with its assembly. The last parts document the results and their explanations, as well as the improvements that can be made to any future prototypes.